Critiques Get Results!


Don't miss any important opportunities!
Send your resume in for a FREE critique.


Click here to attach or paste your resume for critique!

or e-mail us at [email protected]

FREE critique includes expert review, telephone consultation with an expert writer and advice on how your resume can have greater impact in today's competitive job market. Free critiques are provided on a "first come, first serve basis".
You must be a U.S. resident to take advantage of this free offer.

Our team of resume experts has more than 30 years of combined experience providing high impact resume services paving the way to interviews and job search success for more than 50,000 job seekers:

E-mail your resume now!

You can be sure that your resume needs professional help
if it fails this test:

  • You have used it to apply for more than 20 positions;
  • Those positions were a strong match with your qualifications;
  • Four weeks or more have passed since you applied for those positions;
  • You have not been interviewed for at least two of those positions.

I've only recently written my resume and started my job search. How can I tell if my resume needs professional help?

If you have only recently written your resume and started your job search, the only way to know if your resume is likely to fail you is to obtain a professional resume critique. If you wish, you can wait until you have been searching for one month or more so that you can answer the above four questions. During that time, however, your resume may cost you the opportunity to interview for excellent opportunities that would have fit you and paid you well. In fact, every day that you use an ineffective resume you may lose several times in unearned income what it would have cost to obtain the professional helpneeded to make your resume effective.

It sounds as if my resume may need professional help. Where do I find it?

If you are either uncertain of the effectiveness of a resume you've recently written or disappointed in the results that you've obtained from one that you've used for a while, you should consider obtaining a professional resume critique from the professionals at Harvard Oaks Career Consulting Services.

Click here to attach or paste your resume for critique!

or e-mail us at [email protected]

FREE critique includes expert review, telephone consultation with an expert writer and advice on how your resume can have greater impact in today's competitive job market. Free critiques are provided on a "first come, first serve basis".
You must be a U.S. resident to take advantage of this free offer.

Our team of resume experts has more than 30 years of combined experience providing high impact resume services paving the way to interviews and job search success for more than 50,000 job seekers:

E-mail your resume now!

Find an excellent writer in the National Resume Writer's Directory.

Click Here!

Simply add your zip code
to find a resume writer near you.

Our team of resume experts has more than 30 years of combined experience providing high impact resume services paving the way to interviews and job search success for more than 50,000 job seekers including service to clients from the following backgrounds:


- Advertising - Healthcare - Pharmaceuticals
- Airlines - Retail - Public Accounting
- Banking - Manufacturing - Publishing
- Distribution - Medical Devices - Law


- Accounting - Sales/Business Dev - Logistics/Distribution
- Research - Regulartory Compliance
- Marketing - Training - Engineering
- Manufacturing - Information Technology - Development


- Startup Companies - Fortune 500 - Colleges/Universities
� Military - Mid-sized Companies - Nonprofits / Public Sector


- Executive - Fortune 500 - Professional
- Administrative Support - Supervisory - Senior Management
- Technical - Shop Floor - Middle Management
- Individual Contributor

By thoroughly examining your resume with the trained, discerning eye and mature, practical judgment that only seasoned resume professionals bring, we provide you with a resume critique that:

  • Ensures that your resume will yield interviews by attracting the attention of recruiters, human resources professionals and hiring managers.
  • Shows you how to deliver a more sharply focused, distinctive personal value proposition through your resume.
  • Guides you to a compelling, unique statement of your professional identity by helping you to define core skills, knowledge and strengths at the root of key contributions.
  • Enables you to translate bland descriptions of responsibilities into high impact statements of accomplishment.
  • Allows you to feel confident that your layout, structure, format, style, language and content all combine to convey your polish and professionalism.

What our previous clients have said about us.

"After looking for work for six months, I decided to use your service. Right away an employer called and at the interview told me that my resume stood out above the rest."
Kathy W

"I thought my resume was good, but it got no response. After a tune up by your service, I saw a dramatic increase in interviews."
David R

"I was amazed at the things that were pointed out to me. They all made sense and I can't believe they were right under my nose. I have told two friends about your service."
Gary B

My friend, neighbor, parent or manager said my resume was fine.

The dangers of amateur critiques
Everyone has an opinion about resumes, but most people know almost nothing about how to construct a resume that yields interviews leading to job search success. Critiques by people other than resume professionals ordinarily result in a bewildering array of ill-informed, contradictory opinions. However well-meaning these may be, they are more likely to confuse you than to inform you. Worse yet, they are more likely to harm your job search than to help it. At the very least, these amateur resume critiques are almost certain to waste your time.

Our commitment to you

At Harvard Oaks Career Consulting, we are committed to providing you with the best value available for your resume dollar. Our goal is to ensure that you have a premium quality resume at the lowest feasible cost. Our critique will cover the specific issues you need to address to make your resume more effective in obtaining interviews with hiring decision makers. More specifically:

  • We will give you objective, expert advice on your resume. We don't start off looking for errors so that you will buy something.
  • While we do sell resume writing services, we will recommend those to you only if we see specific evidence in your resume that you need them.
  • We respect your privacy and will not distribute your name, e-mail or other contact information to any third parties.
  • You will not receive unsolicited telephone calls, mail or email as a result of your purchase of our services.
  • Money back policy: We back what we say and guarantee it provided you follow our advice. If 60 days after purchase you do not receive interviews, contact us at [email protected] and we will review your document again for free. If you have followed our advice and your resume is still not working, we will refund your money with no questions asked. We can give you this guarantee because we have never had a request for a refund on our resume critiques.
  • Submission of a professionally written resume voids all warranties.

What we will deliver

  • After thoroughly reviewing your resume, we will call you.�� During�this conversation (which we anticipate will be 15 to 30 minutes in length), we will first ask about your career goals and background, then provide specific suggestions to enhance the attractiveness and impact of your resume.
  • We will send our critique to you within 72 hours of receiving your resume and your payment.
  • Our critique will be based upon a word-by-word, line-by-line in-depth review of your resume.
  • Our critique will cover any layout, structure, format, style, language, spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax and content revisions that we believe it would be advisable for you to make.

What are you waiting for? They say, "If you find yourself in a rut, STOP DIGGING!" Send in your resume now!

Ready link.
Attach your resume or paste into e-mail

or e-mail us at [email protected]

FREE critique includes expert review, telephone consultation with an expert writer and advice on how your resume can have greater impact in today's competitive job market. Free critiques are provided on a "first come, first serve basis".
You must be a U.S. resident to take advantage of this free offer.

Our team of resume experts has more than 30 years of combined experience providing high impact resume services paving the way to interviews and job search success for more than 50,000 job seekers:

E-mail your resume now!

If you have questions, e-mail us.
E-mail Link

or e-mail us at [email protected]